Diversity data for Nicklin Accountancy Services Limited

We are licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales. Details of our probate accreditation can be viewed at icaew.com/probate under reference number C001309729.

Accredited probate firm name – Nicklin Accountancy Services Limited. As part of our registration we are required to publish diversity related information to Nicklin Accountancy Services Limited. Our statistics as at 31 March 2021 can be found below:

(b) If yes: i. Did you return to your current employer after the leave?
Yes 0
No 4
(b) If yes: ii.Did your current employer give you additional leave for ante-natal appointments?
Yes 0
No 0
Not applicable 4
(b) If yes: iii. Has your employer offered you flexible working arrangements?
Yes 1
No 0
Not applicable 3
(b) If yes: iv. Has the ability to work from home been an important aide in your return to work?
Yes 1
No 0
Not applicable 3

Nicklin Accountancy Services Limited; employ a large number of long-serving staff with high levels of competence and experience. This means that we have more staff from the upper age brackets. The majority of our staff are White British however we give full consideration to applicants from all ethnic backgrounds during our recruitment process. We have a number of staff on fractional contracts; that generally care for children under 18 or others. This is testament to our flexible working; allowing staff to work hours that allow them to fulfil commitments outside of work.